When it comes to playing golf in the rain, Spokane and most residents of Washington probably consider themselves experts. With the rain threatening most of the year, it’s important to know how to properly play in the rain. The following are a few tips which will help you combat mother nature and post great scores even in the wet weather.
1.) Stay positive – Each round of golf presents it’s share of challenges. Embrace the rain and enjoy the challenge of battling one more elements.
2.) Keep your cool – Don’t get frustrated by poor shots. Prior to a rainy round, as many as half the players have mentally checked out. If you can stay focused, you’ve already got half the field beat.
3.) Take your time – Although I don’t recommend playing slow, when you’re in wet weather, take a little more time to dry off, get comfortable and prepare for each shot.
4.) Bring Extra Equipment – Extra towels, Gloves and Socks. It’s always nice to have dry equipment.
5.) USE YOUR UMBRELLA!!! – Take it will you everywhere, when you line up a putt, etc… Don’t put it down until you absoulutly have to.