Stay Safe in the Heat
Playing in the heat can effect your golf game and, even worse, your health. But, as long as you’re prepared, you can still have fun out there, while staying safe from the heat, too. Here are some tips for when your golf game coincides with a heat wave: It is recommended to drink 16 ounces of […]
Breakfast, Anyone?
When your playing golf, you always have a strategy or you should. Judging the wind, reading greens, choosing clubs, etc. When was the last time you had a strategy for your eating habits on golf days? Here is an exercise – use the “notes” app on your smartphone and type all the things you ate […]
Don’t Crash at the Turn
How many times have you played a round of golf where your front nine was terrific, but the back nine was horrible? You “had it” for the entire front nine, but something happened to your swing, or your putting stroke, or your confidence once you got to the tenth tee. One of the most common […]