Weather and Distance

One of the things that seem to boggle many golfers is just how much the temperature affects the flight, mostly distance of the golf ball. I know that for me personally, I always blame the ball going shorter on the weather. The guys as Trackman have done a study and put together some data to […]
Stay Safe in the Heat
Playing in the heat can effect your golf game and, even worse, your health. But, as long as you’re prepared, you can still have fun out there, while staying safe from the heat, too. Here are some tips for when your golf game coincides with a heat wave: It is recommended to drink 16 ounces of […]
Hitting off of Hardpan
Hitting from hardpan can go wrong in a hurry if you don’t know what you’re doing. Hardpan is usually a flat, hard, dried out area with little or no turf. It’s typically found in low irrigation areas or places where golf carts are often used. Hitting from hardpan requires a certain type of shot. Since […]
Playing From the Rough
We all find ourselves in the rough from time to time, so it’s important to make the right decisions on club selection, grip and stance in order to minimize the damage for that hole and your overall score. In the rough, you’re usually dealing with thick, long and sometimes damp grass. This affects club head speed […]
Watch Out for Fliers
Knowing when a flier is possible can be the difference between a birdie and a bogey or even worse! The first indicator of whether the shot maybe a flier is the length of the grass your ball is in. If your ball is in taller than normal grass like rough there is a good chance it […]
Chip Shots vs. Pitch Shots
Chip Shot A chip shot is meant to be a low trajectory shot with minimal spin. The goal is to get the ball on the green as soon as possible and have the ball roll to the hole like a putt. To hit a chip shot you want to use as little wrists and possible […]
Playing in the Wind
Against The Wind Playing into the wind will typically decrease distance and increase spin. This creates a shot that will go shorter and stop sooner than a usual shot. Playing into the wind will also in magnify certain shots. For example, a cut may turn into a slice or a draw may turn into a hook. […]
Keep Your Grooves Clean
Contrary to popular belief grooves do not put spin on the golf ball when you strike it. It is a clean face and loft that puts spin on the ball but it is the clean grooves that help make the face clean when you strike the ball. When you strike the golf ball, grass, dirt, […]
Ways to Grip the Golf Club
Baseball Grip/Ten-Finger Grip This grip is when you grip the golf club with the top hand index finger and bottom hand pinky finger are side by side touching each other. This grip is recommended for people with weak hands and wrists. It gives your hands the most freedom to turn the club over. Interlocking Grip […]
Play From the Right Set of Tees
What set of tees should you play from? Most of the time when there is a group of guys they all seem to decide to play from the back tees. Is it really fun to always be hitting long irons, hybrids, or even woods into the green? You are there to have fun, right? There […]