Dustin Johnson won again. We saw his swing last week, so let’s checkout something else…
I’ve done a lot of talking about the Boditrak mat and all the cool things it can show me, but haven’t be able to show much…until now.
The Boditrak mat is still pretty new in the golf biz (There’s only 300-500 in the US) so the industry is still gathering data from the best players in the world. Brendan Todd has stepped on the mat and we got some great data. What I have noticed most is the delay in the downswing load of better players (stay under 70% on the lead foot) vs the tremendous jump forward of amateurs (Quickly transfer 80% or more to the lead leg). This delayed loading allows the player to turn & transfer weight at the same time,creating tremendous club speed and keeping the hands quiet.
Check out the video below. I got a little bit “golf nerd” with this one, so if confusing, sorry.